Hypnotherapy Sydney In the Heart of the CBD

Hello, my name is Tim Thornton. Thank you for visiting my site, and welcome to Hypnotherapy Sydney.

For over fifteen years, I’ve provided a clinical hypnotherapy practice in the Sydney CBD with high standards of modern professional hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. If you wish to change your life, such as eliminating addiction, building confidence and growing self-esteem, your journey begins here. My skill set includes trauma-skilled clinical hypnotherapy combined with integrative neuro-trance-psychotherapy to help you change current mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety and stress. Hypnosis can dissolve procrastination and jettison limiting beliefs and negative patterns.

It is difficult to change because our subconscious mind influences our behaviour and thinking. Everything in life starts with your mindset first and your actions second. Your actions follow your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. To make a shift, free your energy, get your mind right, and then take action.

I facilitate my clients’ access to the powerful subconscious mind, where all learning and memories are stored.

Many of my clients have already explored other therapies before they choose hypnosis. The key difference between hypnosis and other modern psychological interventions is that the ‘work’ I do is direct with the subconscious mind, where all your habits, patterns, learnings, and memories are. One can speak forever with the conscious mind and be fully cognisant of what needs to be done (like CBT), but if the subconscious is not onboard, the patterns are unlikely to change.

With hypnosis, you can enter into a dialogue with your subconscious mind and achieve your goals. Find out more about how hypnosis works.

“To be alive at all is to have scars.” John Steinbeck
The behavioural patterns usually repeat if someone can’t completely move on from these negative experiences. Instead, they will often get stuck in some aspect of their life. Psychotherapy strategies in hypnosis resolve the trauma and accelerate change for the client.
My qualifications include modern psychology, clinical hypnotherapy, and psychotherapy. I’m also a master NLP practitioner, life coach, and qualified facilitator of Systemic Family Constellations, Rapid Core Healing (RCH), and Emotional Mind Integration (EMI). These modalities are complementary and work well together. Emotional Mind integration (EMI) is a versatile tool that gives predictable and fast results when dealing with various issues.
‘Trauma is not your fault, but healing is your responsibility’.
If you are ready for change and want it, I can help you.

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to form and reorganise synaptic connections. The brain has the propensity for adapting, changing and creating new habits and neural pathways.

It’s possible to modify behaviour, thought or addiction with these neurotherapeutic strategies. In addition, EMI can be complemented with Systemic Family Constellations and other proven and compatible modalities.

Family Constellations is deep, experiential, and profound systemic psychotherapy. The Constellation process is a powerful way to tap into what keeps people from reaching their potential in relationships, success, and wellness.

I’ve been providing hypnotherapy services in Sydney since 2006.

As a hypnotherapist, I help people achieve their goals by harnessing their subconscious minds. When the mind’s subconscious functions are engaged therapeutically, self-healing and self-calibrating processes can reoccur. The natural stasis capabilities often become dormant or atrophied due to too much stress and anxiety or not knowing how to use them properly.

I offer professional clinical hypnotherapy for various issues in my Sydney Hypnotherapy clinic.

Achieve your goals with hypnosis

Perhaps you have attended personal development courses, read a book about how to increase your motivation, improve your health or to feel happier with life.

If you honestly ask yourself how much positive change this book has brought you, then you will perhaps have to admit that most self-help books offer good content. But how hard is it to implement those suggested changes in actual life.

Many problems are due to the fact that the conscious and the subconscious mind undermine each other because there is no communication with the subconscious.

It is so difficult for us to change because our behaviour and thinking are largely controlled by our subconscious mind. The good news is hypnosis allows you to access the powerful subconscious mind where all learnings and memories are stored and to make the changes you want.
Hypnotherapy is so successful because it uses the powerful resources of the subconscious mind to change our behaviour and our feelings.

With hypnosis, you have a fantastic opportunity to enter into a dialogue with your subconscious mind and achieve your goals.


Hypnotherapy is so successful because it uses the powerful resources of the subconscious mind to change our behaviour and our feelings.

Many of my clients have already explored other therapies before they choose hypnosis. The key difference with hypnosis and other modern psychological interventions is that the ‘work’ I do is direct with the subconscious mind. One can speak for ever with the conscious mind and be fully cognisant with what needs to be done, but if the subconscious is not onboard the patterns are unlikely to change.

With hypnosis, you have a fantastic opportunity to enter into a dialogue with your subconscious mind and achieve your goals. Find out more about how hypnosis works.



There are a two very common and valid questions I often get asked:

  1. “How do I know I can be hypnotised?” Not everyone can be hypnotised. I’ve experienced two or three clients in my whole career. I can’t tell you why it didn’t work, but it’s not a bad percentage.
  2. “Does it always work?” It usually works if the client is genuine in wanting to achieve their goal and puts their energy into the process.


Emotional Mind Integration or EMI is a versatile tool that gives predictable and fast results for dealing with an array of issues that all have an underlying root cause of emotional trauma. Resolving emotional trauma is a fundamental step when dealing with most issues in hypnotherapy. Emotional Mind Integration is a solution-focused approach for disturbances such as depression, phobia’s, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, low self-esteem, inner conflict, trauma, fear, anger and more.

Hypnotherapy Sydney Services

Quit Smoking

Weight Loss

Stress & Anxiety

Other therapies

Relationship Therapy


Online options

Hypno Constellations

Quit Smoking

Quit smoking hypnosis is one of the best and fastest ways to stop smoking. Hypnosis also reduces cravings and lowers stress levels.
The process takes one session with a backup session factored in.

Weight Loss

Virtual gastric band changes eating patterns. My weight loss hypnotherapy is a healthy & effective alternative for reducing weight with lasting results. This is a four session process.

Stress & Anxiety

Discover what really works! My hypnotherapy for anxiety will help you to feel in control again, locating the roots of the disturbances & leaving you free to fulfil your potential. This is a four session process.


Feelings of not being good enough, self doubt? Hypnotherapy will help you change old patterns and achieve your full potential rapidly. This is a four session process.


Better sleep with hypnosis. Relax, unwind, get the good quality sleep you need to be healthy, and fully functioning during the day. This is a four session process.


Sugar, gambling, alcohol? My hypnotherapy methods will help you to feel in control again, locating the roots of the addiction & leaving you free to fulfil your potential. This is a four session process.


Hypnosis locates and resolves the root of the phobia & negative mindsets, leaving you free to live your life to the fullest. This is a four session process.

Other therapies

Hypnotherapy is also effective for Bruxism, Trichotillomania, nail biting, IBS, Tinnitus, eating disorders and pain. If you have another issue that you’d like to discuss, please contact me. This is a four session process.

Hypno Coaching

My success coaching will help you with your goals, such as starting your own business, fast tracking your career or increasing your income. This is a four session process.

Remote/Online options

I also offer remote or online sessions & they work very well. So if you have a disability or live far away from Sydney CBD, interstate or overseas we can still work together. Typically this is a four session process.

Hypno Constellations

Pain travels through families until someone is ready to see it. Are you ready to see it? Are you ready to set yourself free from the blocks of the past? This is typically a four session process.

Sydney Hypnotist Tim Thornton

Master clinical hypnotherapist

Clinical member of Professional Clinical Hypnotherapists of Australia Inc & the National Hypnotherapists Register Australia

Master NLP practitioner

Member of the Australian Board of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Family constellations facilitator

Family Constellations is systemic psychotherapy that is deep, experiential, brief and profound.

Personal success coach

Qualified in coaching to help clients succeed their goals without the element of therapy

Tim is a registered member of the NLPAA, AACHP, ISCA, HCA & PCHA. Tim has been providing Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy services in Sydney since 2006.

HCA Registered Hypnotherapist

Ready To Get Started With Sydney Hypnotherapy?

“Hypnotherapy Sydney will help you change old patterns and achieve your full potential rapidly.”

Tim Thornton

I will help you to feel in control again

As a Sydney hypnotherapist, I help people achieve their goals utilising their subconscious mind. When the conscious and subconscious functions have engaged the self-healing, and self-calibrating processes can operate again. Often the natural stasis capabilities have become dormant or atrophied due to too much stress and anxiety, or just not knowing how to make proper use of it.

In my Hypnotherapy Sydney clinic, I offer professional clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy for various issues as well as NLP and life coaching for all personal goals. I’ve been providing services in Sydney since 2006.

Alcohol Addiction, August 2023

Hi Tim, it’s your biggest fan here, Maria H.
It has been almost 2 months since I came to see you for my alcohol addiction and I feel on top of the world (I have absolutely no desire to drink). It has changed my life for the better, more than I could have ever imagined, so a HUGE thank you to you.

Stop Gambling. August 2023

Hi Tim,

I saw you nearly exactly three years ago in your George street studio. I don’t have a google account so I was unable to leave a review unfortunately. But I just wanted to express my gratitude for the help you provided me. In just four sessions you changed my whole outlook on life and my availing to abstain from gambling. I honestly never thought I would be where I am today and I can honestly say without your help I would still be gambling and miserable. I have now reached my goals which i set as a major reason to stop gambling married with an incredible baby boy and haven’t gambled since my visits to you. My only regret is not booking in for help sooner. You are doing incredible work and changing lives on a daily basis. I hope you know this.

Kind regards,

Stop Smoking Hypnosis, May 2023

Hey Tim,
I don’t know if you remember me, but I wanted you to know that I have been a non-smoker for over three years now.
My husband and I are so proud to say we haven’t smoked since just before Covid. 
I wanted to reach out and say thank you and let you know neither of us has ever felt better! 
Sending you best wishes and thank you.
Abbie & Ben

Stop Smoking Hypnosis, August 2019

I tried everything to quit smoking, but only Tim helped to quit for good. I stopped immediately after the session and haven’t looked back ever since! I feel so much better, have no cravings and more energy every day.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis, September 2019

Tim hypnotised me 12 months ago for smoking and I haven’t touched one since. In one session I was a non smoker with no withdrawal symptoms at all. I was offered a follow up session but didn’t need it, though I did listen to his audio for 30 days afterwards, as instructed. I know I’ll never smoke again because the desire has been completely removed. The best part is that it was easy, no effort or willpower on my part, but I did really want to give up and Tim said that helped.
That experience gave me so much trust in Tim’s work that I have now come back a year later to work with him on some other areas of my life, which is also proving successful. The highest recommendation from me.

Stop Smoking Hypnosis, October 2019

Tim absolutely changed my life. I can’t thank him enough for helping me in quitting smoking. I was a very difficult client and had to come back. From speaking to me and asking questions (because he cares) he realised my smoking habit was related to my childhood trauma and was finally able to break free from this nasty habit. The way he personalises the sessions to individuals’ needs is what I think makes it work so well! I had previously tried for years many different methods with no luck at all. After seeing Tim, I have had no desire to smoke at all, even when I see my friends and sit outside with them, all I can think is how sorry I feel for them and try to help them by recommending this service. Thank you Tim and I’ll be back for more sessions to work on other areas of my life soon. Seriously thank you!! Can’t recommend you enough :)

Hypnotherapy for Weight loss, Decemeber 2019

I had four sessions with Tim over the course of 6 weeks and surprisingly I have formed new habits with minimal effort and thought. Whilst my main reasons for my sessions were weight loss, Tim identified underlying issues which I am now focusing on maintaining a more positive outlook which has been very beneficial to me. Tim has created a good foundation for me to use in my everyday life and I will practice and continue to use the audio sessions that you get access to. Hynotherapy will work if you have an open mind and are willing to commit to change. The environment in which your sessions are conducted is comfortable, I would recommend Tim and the services he provides.

Sydney Hypnotherapy, January 2020

I went to Tim based on a recommendation from a friend and was not disappointed. I found him very approachable and trustworthy. He helped me with a number of blockages that prevented me from making important decisions. I only needed 4 sessions to deal with 4 different issues. It was definitely worth it. Thank you very much!

Hypnotherapy for Weight loss, February 2020

I went to Tim for hypnotherapy for alcohol addiction and the support, understanding and actual sessions were truly great. It instantly curbed my cravings which allowed me to think and focus more about what I want out of life without the constant battle in my mind. Hypnotherapy is not a magic wand, instant cure all and if you are not committed to change then I’m not sure what impact it would have. However Tim’s relaxed environment and positivity certainly gives you the headspace to be able to refocus on what’s important and gives you the tools to quit whatever you are battling. Highly recommended.

Hypnotherapy for Insomnia, February 2020

All I know is that I could not sleep properly for 8 months. I did three sessions with Tim and I started to sleep again. So the hypnotherapy really worked for me. Tim’s hypnotherapy helped me break through whatever mental barrier I had created that was preventing me from sleeping. Would recommend! Thanks Tim!

Hypnotherapy for Stress & Anxiety, June 2020

I had a really great outcome with Tim, we worked on anxiety and stress, sleep and also around food and eating habits. Would highly recommend for anyone struggling with these issues. I feel so much better than when I first started seeing Tim. Will definitely see him in the future if i want to work on anything else. Thanks so much!

Katrina, March 2022

Hi Tim, Just a quick note to give you an update on my weight loss progress. This week I reached my 80 kg goal. In total I’ve lost 14.5 kg and feel fantastic. Your program really worked and I couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much.

Let’s Get Started