quit smoking testimonial

Nathalie Quit Smoking 3 Months Ago

By |2014-11-05T18:38:23+11:00November 5th, 2014|

Hey Tim, I hope you are well. Well i've made it past the 3 month mark and i'm still quit and couldn't be happier. I still have little cravings but like you said it pops into my head and then it goes again. Ive even found social situations fine. I'm exercising more and i'm no [...]

I am glad that’s not me!

By |2020-08-25T09:08:41+10:00July 17th, 2014|

Quit Smoking Testimonial from Jesse L.: At first I had reservations because my decision was based on “should” rather than “I want to”. I questioned my own level of commitment and I feared the grieving that might ensue from losing my strong attachment. […]

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