
About Tim Thornton

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So far Tim Thornton has created 43 blog entries.

The Nature Of Hypnosis – Suggestive and Effective

By |2020-07-27T14:49:09+10:00March 28th, 2014|

Once my clients have experienced the benefits of hypnosis in my clinic, many become curious about nature of hypnosis itself. So I thought it would make sense to gather some relevant information and post it here for anyone who was interested. […]

Australia’s Obesity Problem

By |2020-07-27T14:49:13+10:00February 20th, 2014|

Australia is currently the fourth most obese first world country, after the United States, Mexico and New Zealand. According to the OECD report, 28.3% of Australian adults were obese in 2011 – up from 21.7% in 2000. Australia also ranked 19th place in terms of overweight children in developed nations. Obesity costs the Australian government billions in healthcare [...]

Hypnosis Benefits the Immune System – Part 2

By |2020-07-27T14:48:58+10:00February 6th, 2014|

True story #2. A lady of eastern European origin, who is a very skilled and extremely intuitive hypnotist, was returning to her homeland in 2012, as she always does for 6 weeks to catch up with her elderly parents and the extended family. She was thrown into a tragic drama of her nephews wife, who had [...]

Hypnotherapy Can Help Boost the Immune System – Part 1

By |2014-01-31T16:20:00+11:00January 31st, 2014|

Hypnosis can be such a simple process, and the mechanics of why it works can be explained and understood in an uncomplicated manner too. It works because it is goal-orientated. A person has a goal, they explain their goal to the hypnotist/ hypnotherapist. He/she induces them by various methods to enter a ‘hypnotic’ state. This [...]

Vanessa quit 2 weeks ago

By |2020-09-28T11:47:04+10:00January 23rd, 2014|

Hi Tim, it's been two weeks now and I'm doing really well. I went out with friends who smoke a couple of times and it didn't bother me. I don't miss the old habit of coffee and cigarette in the morning either. I just know that i am never going to smoke again. Most of [...]

How To Quit Smoking In The New Year

By |2020-07-27T14:48:27+10:00January 21st, 2014|

The new year is traditionally a time when people feel they are ready to ditch their smoking habit. The positive impact of quitting can be ‘almost instant’ and long lasting, but so many ‘want to be’ non-smokers don’t know this. They anticipate an epic struggle and withdrawal symptoms, not how great they will be feeling [...]

Graham quit 2 years ago

By |2020-09-28T11:45:41+10:00January 10th, 2014|

Hi Tim, Over 2 years without a ciggie and now not really sure why I ever did, so thanks! My colleague is keen to take the “stop smoking” plunge as well, so would be happy for you to contact him via email to set up a session. All the best Graham C.

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