Family Constellations

One-on-one Family Constellations services at The Hypnosis Company.

It helps explore the origins of issues, be they limiting beliefs, anxiety, or feelings that one is not good enough or can’t be loved. Once the origin is known or given light, there can be a reset of reality, a release of stuckness that will assist in a change.

The limitations usually originate in the client’s childhood and family of origin, but they can also be transgenerational.

I assist in guiding the client to help acknowledge and release protective mechanisms learned in childhood that were functional but restricted their growth in adulthood. Being on good terms with our younger parts is very important and affects the present moment.

Restoring systemic order within the client’s family system can transform intergenerational problems, enabling them to resolve patterns finally passed down from generation to generation.

Disrupting these intergenerational patterns benefits the client and future generations, enabling them to serve their entire family system.

Pain travels through families until someone is ready to see it. Are you prepared to see it? Are you ready to set yourself free from the blocks of the past?

Family Constellations is a dynamic solution process that can be experienced and used in multiple ways. The options are one-on-one ‘Hypno-constellations’ in the clinic, remotely via Zoom, or group constellations held over one—or two-day events.

Do you have a present-day family issue that keeps playing on repeating or something you can’t seem to shift within your family of origin? Or problems and patterns in current relationships? It didn’t start with you!

If you’re ready to change your life, contact me for a free phone consultation at 0424079690. I can answer any questions you may have, and it will help us determine whether we will work well together.

Family Constellations workshops and one on one sessions can help resolve dysfunctional systemic family blocks, couples issues and can facilitate spiritual divorce from a past relationship that needs final closure. All families, even within a few generations, have their stories. If we look at a family’s long life through the generations, it quickly becomes blurred with time. Who knows what happened? But even though the mind may have forgotten it, it still has some effect, especially on the body.
In any given family history, many positive themes will likely be love, children, survival, and success. But in all families, there will be trauma. Trauma comes in many variations, war, political upheaval, prison, rape, murder, abortion, miscarriage, sickness, disease, addiction, religion, illegitimate children, children outside of an existing marriage, insanity etc. The common factor of all trauma is that it generally leads to the exclusion of a family member or members. This exclusion causes blockages within the energy of love coming down through the generations. Likes the twists & kinks in a garden hose; the water can’t get through, and the hose shakes and shudders. It’s like love coming down through the generations. Family dynamics get corrupted, and negative cycles establish into a repeating pattern.
We all understand the basics of genetics; we know that body shapes, health predispositions, etc., are passed down from generation to generation. But there’s also epigenetics, the emotional experiences
and other external environmental influences that can play a role in influencing the psychology of a person of our ancestors are passed down, too.

‘All the eggs a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries when she is a four-month fetus in her mother’s womb. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in our grandmother’s womb. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb, and she, in turn, formed within the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother’s blood before she is born. – Layne Redmond

The Family Constellation process uncovers family dynamics in your unconscious, affecting your emotional state, self-esteem, habits, and behaviour. It’s a process that makes it easier to accept what we have, be grateful for what we have, and love ourselves and others.

When we take full responsibility for ourselves, we heal by releasing the burden on others. Bert Hellinger, the originator, made a bold and wise decision not to micromanage or regiment it as a therapeutic system. Each facilitator follows the form of Systemic Family Constellations but also brings their unique essence to the process.

Since the release of his first book, ‘Acknowledging What Is,’ more than twenty years ago, Bert’s unique method of working with energy in family systems has spread throughout Europe, America, Asia, and, more recently, Australia.

Hellinger has taught many students, so there are many lineages and versions of this system; each facilitator will bring their understanding of its principles and how they work with it. Family Systems Therapy has elements in its foundation, but what makes it such a unique branch of psychotherapy is that it works phenomenologically, which means that we can work with ‘not knowing’. It might sound like nonsense to the uninitiated because it’s not scientific, linear or commonsensical.

But it works because whether we are working in group constellations, the one-on-one sessions, or even the remote online sessions, there is always an emersion into the morphogenic field or the ‘knowing field’. Which is nothing less than a connection with The Universe, something more significant than ourselves! Connecting us to the essence of who and what we are includes our ancestors in our family lineage. What has occurred over the generations, which unbeknown to us, is affecting our present lives, “it didn’t start with you”. The knowing field has been known to humanity for aeons; the mystics and sages have long argued that infinite space is associated with reality roots that store and transfer information, an area called the Akashic records. Recent discoveries in the field of vacuum physics show that this area of the Akashan is genuine and equivalent in the area from a zero-science point that underpins the area. This area includes a subtle but palpable ocean of energy that turns where everything is revealed: atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living things and even awareness. This zero-point Akasha area is a long and long-lasting memory of the universe. It follows everything in the world and space and combines it with everything about to happen. Here is one of many examples of ‘the field’ mentioned in esoteric verse,

‘Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there’. – Rumi

The Family Constellation process uncovers family dynamics in your unconscious, affecting your emotional state, self-esteem, habits, and behaviour. It’s a process that makes it easier to accept what we have, be grateful for what we have, and love ourselves and others.

When we take full responsibility for ourselves, we heal by releasing the burden on others. Bert Hellinger, the originator, made a bold and wise decision not to micromanage or regiment it as a therapeutic system. Each facilitator follows the form of Systemic Family Constellations but also brings their unique essence to the process.

Since the release of his first book, ‘Acknowledging What Is,’ more than twenty years ago, Bert’s unique method of working with energy in family systems has spread throughout Europe, America, Asia, and, more recently, Australia.

Hellinger has taught many students, so there are many lineages and versions of this system; each facilitator will bring their understanding of its principles and how they work with it. Family Systems Therapy has elements in its foundation, but what makes it such a unique branch of psychotherapy is that it works phenomenologically, which means that we can work with ‘not knowing’. It might sound like nonsense to the uninitiated because it’s not scientific, linear or commonsensical.

The constellation process allows for a deep understanding and completion of relationships inside and outside our family circle. It goes beyond talking to use body perception and energy to achieve the hidden dynamics of our emotional problems, relationships, and entanglement.

The Constellation Process is a powerful way to take advantage of what prevents people from reaching their potential in relationships, success, and well-being. It’s a methodology that helps people be the best possible version of themselves.


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